属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-另一个地球? 远离家乡的家
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-夏令营 顽皮鬼的天地
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-丛林法则 夏普和鸿海交易陷入困局
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 斥资太空
1 | 如果在人口稠密地区发生"能量泄漏",究竟会有多少人丧失生命,有多少人因而致残或患白血病,对这些尚无任何实际的估计 | There was still no realistic estimate as to exactly how many people would be killed, maimed, or come down with leukemia if an "energy release" hit a populated area. | |
2 | 如果在人口稠密地区发生一次“能量泄漏”,究竟会有多少人丧失生命,多少人因而致残或患白血病,对此尚无任何切合实际的估计。 | There was still no realistic estimate as to exactly how many people would be killed, maimed, or come down with leukemia if an "energy release" hit a populated area | |
3 | 诉讼调解制度:让我欢喜让我忧-以利益衡量论为视角 | The Mediation System in Civil Lawsuits Makes Delight and Worry-Take the Theory of Benefit Estimate as a Visual Angle | |
4 | ||1:但也有理由相信,该交易可能对投资者有利。||2:交易所为买卖双方提供了交易平台,所以比起分崩离析,交易所的数量越少,买卖双方碰面成交的几率越大。||3:此外,在一家交易所完成所有交易可以降低投资者的成本。||4:因为许多交易品(例如黄金和股票)的涨跌呈负相关关系,所以从某种程度上来说,相互之间的风险可以互相抵消。||5:如果只在一家交易所交易的话,既希望黄金上涨又希望股票价格上涨的投资者可以提供较少的抵押品。||6:促成此次交易的经济学家预计,投资者每年可以减少30亿欧元(39亿美元)抵押品投入,节省3亿欧元的成本。 | ||1: But there are reasons to think that the deal could be beneficial to investors. ||2: Exchanges are platforms on which buyers and sellers can meet, so a lower number of exchanges, which increases the potential for buyer-seller matches, can be better than a fragmented system. ||3: In addition, making all trades on one exchange could lower investors’ costs. ||4: This is because some assets (gold and equities, say) tend to be negatively correlated, so risks offset each other somewhat. ||5: An investor wagering that both gold and equities will go up should need to provide less collateral if a single exchange is used. ||6: Economists advising the exchanges estimate investors could reduce collateral-posting by €3 billion ($3.9 billion), a likely annual cost saving of roughly €300m. | |
5 | ||1:当然最终的目标是让天文学家对银河系的行星总数、确定可以维持生命的行星数和那些可以维持人类殖民者生命(至少在理论上)的行星比例做出一个接近可信的估算。||2:如果Kepler类地行星中只有很少被证明是真的,第三个数可能是数百万。 | ||1:The ultimate goal, of course, is to let astronomers make a plausible estimate of the total number of planets in the galaxy, of the number that could conceivably support life, and of the fraction of those that could (at least in theory) sustain human colonists.||2:If only a few of Kepler’s possible Earthlike planets turn out to be real, that third number is likely to be in the millions. | |
6 | ||1:据估计,每年有25万的英国孩子参加了夏令营。||2: Camp Energy的创始人巴里Grinham说, 他们的目的是"为了缓解的父母苦恼"。 ||3:而超级阵营的杰斯丁朗福德说:夏令营的主要竞争对手,是大家族中其他亲属对孩子的免费照顾。||4:Grinham指出,许多父母会在他们的亲戚没有时间照顾他们的小孩的时候才下的订单。 | ||1: By one estimate, 250,000 British children attend summer camps each year. ||2: Their purpose, says Camp Energy’s founder, Barry Grinham, is "to ease the pain of parenting". ||3: Their main competitor, says Justine Longford of Super Camps, is free child care from the extended family. ||4: Mr Grinham notes that many parents book at the last minute, after relatives cancel on them. | |
7 | ||1:可惜,在企业竞争中风云变幻,"交易"往往并不容"易"成"交"。||2:自今年三月两家公司握手言欢以来,夏普公司的股价已经下跌了三分之二。||3:夏普的投资者庆幸鸿海当初扔出了一根结实的救命稻草,但郭台铭公司的投资者并不那么高兴。||4:据估计,这桩时机不好的交易会让鸿海今年损失120亿新台币约合4亿美元。 | ||1: Alas, a deal is not always a deal in the corporate jungle. ||2: The Japanese firm’s share price has fallen by some two-thirds since March, when the two firms shook hands. ||3: Sharp’s investors believed that Hon Hai had thrown the firm a reliable lifeline. But Mr Guo’s investors were rather less pleased. ||4: The ill-timed deal would, by one estimate, mean Hon Hai having to write down the value of its investment by NT$12 billion ($400m) this year. | |
8 | ||1:所以在2002年,代理机构考虑一个将用红外线代替可见光研究宇宙的继任者的计划。这个继任者计划在2010年起飞,而且只花25亿美元,因此当时很容易就通过了。||2:但是9年以后,NASA真的很后悔当初的决定。||3:这台名为JWST的新机器仍然还在工作间,并且它的发射日期一再被推演(2018年是最新的官方估计)。||4:它的成本已经上升到了88亿美元,按照以往的经验推测,这笔预算还会继续增加。||5:在这最佳时期将会是尴尬的。但是随着公共花费削减正隐隐约约呈现并且对NASA未来的预期并不景气,它正造成真的担忧。 | ||1: So in 2002, when the agency considered plans for a successor that would study the universe in infra-red, rather than visible light, would be ready to fly in 2010 and would cost just $2.5 billion, saying "yes" was easy. ||2: Nine years later, NASA is regretting that decision. ||3: The James Webb space telescope (JWST), as the new machine is called, is still in the workshop, and its launch date has been set back repeatedly (2018 is the latest official estimate). ||4: Its cost has gone up to $8.8 billion, a figure that, if history is any guide, could rise still further. ||5: Which would be embarrassing at the best of times, but with public-spending cuts looming and NASA’s budget flat for the foreseeable future, it is causing real strains. | |
9 | 本文将介绍在进行评估时必须考虑的事项以及要加以避免的失误。 | This article is an introduction to what you must consider when forming your estimate, as well as pitfalls to avoid. | |
10 | 根据政府特遣部队的最高估计,有440万桶石油从墨西哥湾泄漏。 | Using the government task force’s upper estimate, as many as 4. 4m barrels of oil have escaped into the Gulf. | |
11 | 更多的索赔是不可避免的,并且阿里巴巴还没有提供一个关于它将会赔付多少的预算。 | More claims are inevitable, and Alibaba has not yet offered an estimate as to how much it will have to pay out. | |
12 | 麦凯恩将这个估价描述为“令人乍舌”。 | Mr McCain described that estimate as "jaw-dropping" . | |
13 | 随着经济急剧的下滑,这只是个保守的估计。 | That could prove to be a conservative estimate, as the economic slowdown begins in earnest. | |
14 | 他补充称:“我的数字是保守估计,因为可能还有很多放出去的贷款是我们不知道的。” | "My numbers are a conservative estimate as there are probably a lot more loans out there that we do not know about, " he adds. |